
Sary Rottenberg



I believe in a collaborative approach and one that assists you in finding only the interpretations that resonate with you, and are meaningful in moving forward. My approach to therapy is Psychodynamic, Relational, Existential, Humanistic and always heart-centered. My interests lie in meaning-making and helping people reach their fullest potential.

I work with people struggling with anxiety and depression, issues in careers, and histories of trauma, as well as people who identify as gender nonconforming, people with chronic illness and people who come from cults or a rigid religious upbringing. I also welcome people of color into my practice and am committed to an antiracist stance as a white therapist.

I continue to address patriarchy within myself to be a more conscious therapist to you. In addition to English I conduct therapy in Hebrew. See Hebrew description attached. As such, I work with people who deal with acculturation, immigration and multicultural identities and welcome people from around the world who wish to be listened to with an aware ear.